Last spring I learned a lot about set design in my studio 4 class. In all honesty I think I love set design more than anything else design related that I've done in the past. For the assignment, the goal was to individually create a made up television show. Student's had free reign and were allowed to be as creative as they wanted to be when coming up with their television segments and the set design that coincided with them. I chose to do a QVC like television show, that would allow SCAD student's or SCAD graduates to present their work and sell it to the public. With my set in particular, since items are being sold, such as clothing from fashion majors, jewelry from jewelry majors, furniture from furniture design majors etc..., the set changes and evolves from show to show. Once items are purchased, they are removed from the stage set and replaced with something new. I wanted the set to reflect SCAD and their student body, which is bohemian, playful, colorful and artsy. I looked a lot to retail spaces for inspiration such as Anthropology. I believe that look and feel was successfully reflected well throughout the space. The TV show I decided to name Shop SCAD Live. I think it's a great idea and maybe one day SCAD will choose to pick up the idea. It gives students a way to get their names out their and also to make money during a time where we all know the economy isn't at it's best.
Here above and below are just some images that inspired me when designing the set. It mostly helped me out with the color palette.
Mood Board Above
Before we could do anything, we first had to build a foam core model that was built to scale. After the models were built, then we digitally took images of the sets and photoshopped everything else onto the image.
Here above is an image of my final set design for Shop SCAD Live. I thought it came out just how I wanted it to. Click on the image to get a closer look :)
images provided by:
Myself :)
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